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Restoration Church is a contemporary Pentecostal Church body located in Marion, North Carolina. We believe in being more than a building or Sunday morning experience. We are a multi-generational Church where everyone is welcome, and Christ is magnified. At Restoration Church, you will find community, authentic encounters with Christ, and discover the person God has created you to be.

When we Meet

Sunday Mornings

10am Sunday School
11am Worship

Wednesday Evenings

6:30pm Corporate Prayer
7pm Family Training Hour

What To Expect

Our Sunday morning experiences include a time of discipleship during our Sunday School hour, and then a Holy Spirit-driven service that typically lasts about 90 minutes. Our services include prayer, a mix of contemporary and traditional Praise and Worship, and thought-provoking, powerful messages based on the Bible. We also have an exciting children's church ministry for your kids.

During the week, we have ministries for all age groups that meet to do "life" together and learn from God's word. Follow us on Facebook to keep up with the exciting ministries and community events that are hosted throughout each month.

How To Contact Us

We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get started.